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The A To Z Of Music Licensing
Who Else Wants An In-Depth,Comprehensive, Fast-Track Education InMusic Licensingb ... Learn The Nuts And Bolts, From A - Z, Of The Music Licensing Business...Learn How To Get Your Songs In TV And Films And Start Generating Income From Your Music... If You're Ready To Start Making MoneyBy Licensing Your Music And Get Your Music Heard By Millions Of People, Keep Reading... Dear Fellow Songwriter,I have some questions for you:Would You Like To Earn More Money With Your Music By Licensing Your Songs For Use In TV and FilmbDo You Have A Catalog Of Songs That YOU'RE NOT Earning Income FrombAre You Tired Of Working Your Day Job While You Wait For That Elusive Record Deal That Might Never ComebDo You Think Your Music Is Good Enough To Compete In The Marketplace But Simply Aren't Sure Of How To Get It Out TherebAre You Ready To Take Realistic Steps To Move Your Career Forward By Licensing Your Music While Making Money AndAlso Gaining More Exposure For Your Music At The Same TimebIf you answered "YES!" to any of these questions, then I have some important news for you... Herebs The Bottom Line...NOT making money from what you're passionate about sucks!It leaves you feeling like you have no power in your life.Over time it can become very discouraging and can rob you of the passion and determination you need to succeed in this VERY competitive business.It can cause you to question whether or not you're on the right path.It can lead many people to simply give up on their dreams, despite possessing the necessary talent that is needed to succeed. On the other hand...There are few things more rewarding than getting paid for what you love to do.Itfeels greatto get to wake up EVERY DAY and do what you love to do...andget paid for it.Itfeels greatto know that there is a NEED for your music and that you know HOW to get paid for the music you create.Simply put, It just feels very rewarding to know that you're on the right track and to see tangible, measurable progress as you move towards your goals.Unfortunately, Most Musicians Will Never LearnHow To Make An Adequate LivingFrom Their Music... NotBecause They're Not Good Enough... Not becauseTheir Music Isn't Great...They Just Won't Take The Time ToLearn How To Take Their Career IntoTheir Own Hands And Develop The SkillsNeeded To Succesfully Market Their Music... Licensing Your Music In TV and FilmsMyname is Aaron Davison. I've been writing songs for over fifteen years. I attended Berklee College of Music in the mid 1990's where I majored in Songwriting and studied with some of the world's most renowned Songwriting Professors, including both Pat Pattison and Jack Perricone. It was during my time at Berklee that I was firstintroduced to the concept of writing songs for film and television as a career. Although at the time I was mildly intrigued by the possibility of this career path, it wasn't until eight years later that I decided to seriously entertain the idea. At this point I had played in a variety of bands andhad still yet to achieve myelusive goal of becoming a rock star. One day while surfing the Internet I came across an article about a Berklee Alum who made a living, in part, writing songs for Film and Television. This article inspired me for the first timeto make a serious effort to pursue the craft of writing music for Film and Television. I realized that during all the time I had spent chasing my dreams of rock and roll stardom,I had passed over many more attainable goals that could have helped me make a living doing what I love to do most, playing music. I also realized that accomplishing these goals would probably actually get me closer to where I wanted to be. Within six months of reading that article I had signed my first licensing deal with a publisher and about four weeks after that I had my first song placed in a major network TV show. How You Get Paid When You License Your MusicFor television shows, each time a song is used on air a performance royalty is generated. The royalty amount varies based on a number of factors including the length of the segment as well as how prominently it is used. Each performance generates both a writer's and publisher's royalty. If you work with a music publisher you both essentially get half of the entire royalty. If you are able to place the music without the aid of a publisher you retain both the writer's share and publisher's share of the performance royalty. Again, the amount varies, but to give you an example the first song I had placed was in a scene that lasted about :55 seconds on a daytime drama in 2002. The royalty check I received for the placement was over $800.00! This was in addition to a $500.00 licensing fee that I received from the television show that the song was used on. Not bad for less than a minute of airtime.Why Most Musicians Don't Earn An Adequate Living From Their MusicMost musicians I know are shooting in the dark with their careers. They are waiting for some sort of elusive success that will probably NEVER come. I'm not saying this to scare you or to alarm you. I'm saying this because it's true. Unless you have an AMAZING manager or are VERY VERYlucky, the odds are simply stacked against you. There are MILLIONS of other bands and artists that are trying to break into the music business as well. But the good news is that MOSTof the competition will not take the necessary steps to succeed. This is good news for YOU!You can set yourself apart by educating yourself and taking FULL RESPONSIBILITY for your own career. What's the solutionbYou HAVE to learn how to take matters into your own hands. Just writing a great song doesn't guarantee that you're going to make any money from it or that anyone will ever hear it!!You can't sit around and wait for someone to discover you! It's NOT going to happen.Really, it's not. The odds about the same as winning the lottery. Have you ever won the lotteryb Well I haven't either!However, the good news is YOU CAN succeed if you take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for your music career.Getting Your Songs Placed In TV And Film - A 20 Billion Dollar A Year BusinessGetting your songs placed in Television shows and films can be a wonderful source of income for musicians. Record sales have been declining for several years now but the licensing and publishingaspect of the music industry hasnever been stonger. The Music Licensing industry alone is a20 BILLION dollar a year market.These days there are endless opportunities to provide your music as background music for various mediums. From TV shows to movies to websites and video games, independent music is everywhere. The music industry, like all industries, is constantly changing and evolving. To survive, and eventually thrive, it's imperative that you stay abreast of the where the music industry is headed and stay on top of where the demand is for your music.Making a living as a musician can be an extremely challenging task, to say the least. I know itwas for me for many years. But if you're driven enough and are smart about what you're doing, making a comfortable living is very attainable. How To Get Your Music Into TV and Films... Introducing The A-Z Of Music Licensing 2.0!Based on my experience of working in the music licensing business for oversix years, I have put together a one of a kind program calledThe A-Z Of Music Licensing 2.0that covers, in detail, how to get started in the business of music licensing. This program is the most comprehensive product available on the business of music licensing, period. It explains in detail everything you need to know to get started in the business of licensing your music. The program contains both an audio portion (ipod compatible) that explains how to license your music, an audio interview with a leading industry insider and also a directory of contact information for the music licensing industrythat is accesible immediately as a PDF file. The whole program isavailable online immediately when you check out. Herebs A Breakdown of Everything You Get...(All material is accesible online immediately upon checking out)How To Audio Program - Covers All The Technical And How To Information Of The Music Licensing Business From A - Z.Topics Include:Copyrighting Your MusicWhat To Say When You Make ContactWho To ContactWhat To Say When You Make ContactMusic LicensingMusic PublishersMusic SupervisorsWhat To Say When You Make ContactStyles Of Music That Are UsedPerfoming Rights OrganizationsProduction Quality IssuesTypes Of DealsHow Licensing Fees WorkHow Music Royalties WorkWhy Your Music Is NeededMusic In Video GamesTypes Of Writing AssignmentsTips For Increasing Your Chances Of Getting Your Songs PlacedHow To License Music InternationallySubject Matter.... and more!Three Audio Interviews With Music Licensing Professionals!1) Audio Interview With Michael Redman- Michael Is The Founder Of My Music - In This Audio Interview Michael Covers Many Different Aspects Of The Music Licensing Business - Learn What It Takes To Succeed Directly From An Industry Insider!2) Audio Interview With Darko Saric- Darko is an instrumental composer whose music has been heard in a wide variety of television programs. During this audio interview Darko discusses what it's like as a songwriter working in the music licensing industry and shares many great insights into how to get started in the music licensing business.3) Audio Interview With John Buckman -John is the owner of a company called Magnatune. Magnatune both sells music directly to consumers and also licenses music to TV, Film, Ad Agencies, etc. During this audio interview John explains what it takes to succeed in this competitive industry. Learn directly from someone who is on the front lines of the music licensing business.3 Song Sampler- Includes the first three songs I had placed in Television. This is a great reference for the production quality needed for getting your songs placed in Television.All The Audio Files in the program are accesible as both streaming audio files or as downloadable Mp3's that are compatible with yourIpod or other portable mp3 players. A Songwriter's Guide To Music Licensing Ebook- This ebook sells separately for $29.99 and is included at no extra cost as a part of The A To Z Of Music Licensing. This 44 page ebook goes in depth into how the music licensing business works and how you can start licensing your songs in Film and Television. Available as a PDF file.Sample Licensing Contracts (New!!)- Learn how actual deals are structured in the sample contract section. See actual real world examples of different licensing contracts!How To License Your Music Internationally (New!!)-This section covers how to license your music in foreign countries and still get paid. Includes a comprehensive list of Performing Rights Societies around the world. Free Bonus #1 - The 2012 TV and Film Music Industry Directory -Contact over 1,200 music publishers, supervisors and more with the 2012 TV and Film music industry directory. Accessible immediately as a PDF file when you purchase The A To Z Of Music Licensing. The 2012 TV and Film Directory sells by itself for $34.99. 150 pages.Free Bonus # 2!If you order the program today you will also receive a completely free audio program called "How To Establish Your Own Music Publishing Company".Whether you want to set up your own publishing company in order to self publish your own music, or you want to establish a publishing company in order to work with other artists and help them license their music this program is for you. In this free audio program you'll learn:How To Establish Your Own Publishing CompanyHow You Get Paid As A PublisherWho Needs To Start Their Own CompanyWhich PRO Is Better For Writers That Self PublishThe Exact Steps You Need To Take What's the price for an amazing program like thisb Well, even though it has taken me oversix years to acquire the knowledge and experience that you will be able to consume in a few days, I'm offering this program for what I think is the very fair price of$80.00$37.00. You'll most likely make this back many times over when you get your first licensing deal. You spend money on strings, accessories, etc. Why not invest in a product that will actually help you move your career to the next levelbb (Oh and by the way, if you're making any money from your music at all you can deduct the cost of this programon your tax return!!) Testimonials: (Here are just a few of the many emails I've received regarding the A-Z Of Music Licensing)Hi Aaron,I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that your Songwriter's Guide is absolutely one of the most powerful and informative guides on the market today. I have searched high and low for your phone number but I didn't save it or write it down when I thought I did. I will be meeting a group of songwriters on tomorrow night for a networking session and you can bet that I will send them to your site. I hope that I get to speak with you again about your guide, audios and videos...all I can say is WOW!!!! I will be mentioning it on my podcast and featuring it on my site after your approval. I am in daily conversations with writers and muscians who are looking to license their music but don't know how or are a valuable source for them and I'm going to let everybody I come in contact know about you, your site and materials. If it's not too much trouble, may I please have your contact number againbThanksTina E. Clark(4/2/2010)Hi Aaron!Just wanted to let you know that our song Round and Round will be on this coming episode of 90210 on the CW--10/13 8pmEST if yer curious to listen in for it :-) Thanks for your help and inspiration in helping us learn the ropes and reach this milestone :-)James MasonMason BrothersAaron!Hey bud. I paid for your info a few years back, and I am now starting to place songs! Thank you! it worked, it really does! it did take a while, but I had to pay my dues (I guess),,, anyway, thank you!-NickJust got one of my songs placed in Roadtrip Nation thanks to your info!Thank you!PatriciaHi Aaron; I purchased your licensing program and directory 3 weeks ago, I just received a licensing placement agreement last week placing 4 of my songs in the company's catalogue as a result of your program. Thanks so much!RayChicagoSent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerryHey Aaron,Just wanted to say thanks for your awesome program! It's great to know that there is information like yours available. I'm excited to get started!MikeHello Aaron.I just ordered and downloaded your audio files ...I think this is some wonderful information and will soon be using it.I will keep in-touch with possible questions and updates on how well this works out for me.Because of your course, I am currently re-mastering some songs I have done to make them sound better, copyrighting them and submitting them to thecontacts you have provided.Thanks for a great course ....KiloHello Aaron,I sent you an email a few weeks ago asking about your thoughts ofpitching my music ( Mostly Blues Jazz ....But also Guitar intrumentals, folk, French cabaret, Christmasand some Traditinal Country)and actually making any money at the library thing. Your reply was that these genres were notyours and you couldn't really comment on that domain .I apreciated your honest answer and went ahead and bought yourrepertoire of libraries, publishers etc...Well here's the lowdown after 3 weeks of hard work sending emails andsubmitting songsonline and via CD by mail.I've signed deals for27 songs and there's another 60 or so that are being screened as I write this email....MikeHey Aaron,I thought I would pass on to you the fact that I also got my whole catalogue (47 tunes) signed to one of the libraries in your directory.Thanks for your help!ColinHey Aaron,I'm in the process of signing two songs to a publishers thanks to your info! Thank you!!Stacyhi aaron,thanks for all your info and directory. such a great help!TracyThank YOU!!!I must say I find your products extremely helpful....keep it up!!!Tammy HuntGreat, inspiring information.exactly what I was looking for in regards to publishing and the like. Much appreciated!!Brian ThunbergYesterday I purchased your Film/TV directory and I must say it is a whole lot different from "Song Writers Market" book. It's great!MarkHey Aaron,I did purchase your 'A-Z of music licensing' and the directory. I think they are great!MikeAaron,How are youb My name is Tim Byrd and I purchased your online version of your program. It's great! Thank you. Youbll Also Get An AdditionalFree Hour Long Audio ProgramWhen you invest inmy program right now, you'll also get my brand new program,The A To Z Of Creating An Information Product Business, for free!In this hour long audio program you'll learn how you can take your knowledge of music and the music industry and turn it into a viable business that you can run from anywhere on your own schedule.I've spent the last two years earning a full time income online and during this audio program I show you how you can do the same. Gain the flexibility you need to tour, record CDs and more. I'll teach you:How To Select The Right NicheHow To Create Your Information ProductHow To Accept PaymentsHow To Create A Landing PageHow To Create A NewsletterHow To Attract CustomersHow To Market To Your CustomersThe Three Key Principles To Effective MarketingHow To Create A Sales PageHow To Create An Affiliate ProgramHow To Find Other Affiliate ProductsHow To Use Google AdSenseHow To Generate Free TrafficAdditional Ways To Monetize Your BusinessHow To Build A Website For FreeAnd Much More! Letbs Wrap This UpHere's a recap of what you're going to get:You get everything:The A To Z Of Music Licensing Program Which Includes:How To Audio ProgramAudio Interview With Michael RedmanAudio Interview With Darko SaricA Songwriter's Guide To Music Licensing EbookOne On One Email CoachingFree Bonuses:The 2012 TV And Film Music Industry Directory ($34.99 Value)How To Establish Your Own Publishing Company Audio Program ($10.00 Value)The A To Z Of Creating An Information Product Business Audio Program ($19.97 Value)SampleLicensingContracts ($10.00 Value)These extra bonuses areworth over$65.00 but they're free with the purchase of The A To Z Of Music Licensing. Herebs How It Works When you click on the order button below, you'll go to my secure order page for your credit card information. When you use my secure order form, you'll be able toaccess the program and your free bonus ebookimmediately via a secure, password protected section on my website. Your transaction is securebusing a secure server, your order information is transmitted using the latest SSL encryption technology to ensure complete and total privacy and security.Make sure that you hit the bottom that says A¨continue to AD incA¨ to be directed to the login page for the program.
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